Sunday, May 1, 2016

Blog #10

Blog #10:
Throughout the project, I have had to put my creativity to the test. I'm generally the type of person who likes to do the traditional type of school work. This project took me out of my comfort zone and forced me to think outside the box. Many times I kept wanting to present my research as a generic presentation on a trifold, instead I thought about how my presentation would differ from others and decided to have the audience interact with my project. From there it started to go off, and it soon lead to what it is today.

Overall, this project has given me a multitude of personal, social, and intellectual things that will aid me in the future if I need to do another project similar to this one. Personally, I learned that sometimes thinking outside the box will allow you to take your work to a whole other level. By not doing the generic presentation that has been done a million times, we could instead leave a significant impression the audiences view of our presentation. Socially, I learned that taking people's advice and criticism is sometimes hard because you think that what you're doing is the "best" way to do it, but in the end their opinions are still the audiences and people are never perfect. By taking their opinions into account I was able to improve my project in ways in which it was lacking. Intellectually, I learned that first-aid is almost essential because you, family, or friends might think "oh, that would never happen to me." when in reality, it could happen anytime to anyone. By being prepared, you can potentially save a life.

As the project progressed from its early stages, I had difficulty finding a way to present the information in a creative medium. I didn't have a single clue on what I was going to do from when I finished researching. I pondered on what to do whenever I had the chance at home, during class, eating. It was only several weeks ago until I found out how I was going to do it. When I actually figured out what I was going to do, another problem sufficed. How was the story going to play out? This question was what I kept asking myself as I was creating the story. These were the real challenges for me because I had to step out of my comfort zone as stated before and think of how my presentation would be different from others.

Blog #9

Blog #9
The project is currently completed for the most part, all that needs to be completed is the aesthetics of the story. The final product was close to what I imagined it would turn out like. Here is the final product.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Blog #8

Blog #8
The story has already been completed. All that's left is to transfer it to another platform. Overall, the story turned out the way I wanted it to. Although it seemed short, it barley made it under the 5 minute mark.



Although I have completed the story, I plan to add some aesthetics to the story so it doesn't just look like a book.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Blog #7

Phase 1:
The story is still a working progress, I have gotten a grasp of the scenario and it;s outcomes, but the different options that will lead to different results is still a bit unclear. Some challenges that may occur is the length of my presentation, I fear that the story would drag on for too long and would exceed the time limit we are given of 3-5 minutes. Once I've gotten the complete story on paper, completing the story will be easier than thinking of it. Once, I've completed it, I plan to have some people test the story to approximate the length of the presentation, and also see what the general audience would pick when given options. To do this I plan to take a survey of 10 people and mark down which options they chose and tally up the answers. You can hope to expect great progress in the near future, maybe even completion of the story!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Blog #6

Planning - I will create...
Over the past several months I have collected information about first-aid and it's importance. To showcase all that I have done I'm going to create a choose your own adventure type of game where different scenarios will be used and the audience will have to figure out a way to help the person with the correct first-aid materials and procedures.Some things I'll need to look further into is what kind of realistic story could I use for the choose your own adventure. Also, I'll have to look into what each medication does and it's purposes.

Materials Needed:
- Computer
- Participants from Audience


Step 1: Create a story in which the audience is able to interact with well and is realistic
Step 2: Start creating different options in which different results will be produced
Step 3: Start creating the choose your own adventure using this website -
Step 4: Test out the story and minimize or expand the story depending on the length of time it took
Step 5: Test it before it is declared done

Friday, March 11, 2016

Blog #5

    In order to showcase my research, I plan to create a website which raises awareness of the dangers of not having a first aid kit and how we can help to end the rising number of casualties that could've been otherwise avoided. Some challenges I may face is the fact that not many people will view the website, which will hinder my goal of not raising awareness. From the past blogs, we have gathered enough information that it made it clear that creating a first-aid kit from scratch is nearly impossible. Yet, the possibility of helping people even without creating a first-aid kit from scratch is still there. By raising awareness we can help people know when and how to use a first-aid. Once, they have gotten the information, the only problem left is getting the necessary supplies to let them utilize the knowledge that they have acquired. Someways we can solve this problem is by starting a fundraiser to get families that can't afford first-aid to get at least the bare necessities of the kit and information. Some ideas that have are to reach out to the red cross club to raise money for supplies that would help people who can't normally buy a first-aid kit. These efforts would help us in our goal, and it would be a huge help to us since The Red Cross foundation is a large organization that specializes in humanitarian aid. Another thing we can do is have our health classes here at El Camino High, have a lesson the necessities of knowing first aid and its benefits. All of these things will help us reach our goal.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Blog #4

            In my research, I have found an interesting topic at hand. The number of deaths that are caused by lack of first aid is almost equivalent to the number of deaths caused by cancer. In 2010, cancer killed 141,446 people, St. John's Ambulance estimated around 140,000 people died because of the lack of first aid. This statistic is provided by St. John Ambulance and was published so people start realizing how important first aid really is. In order for us to raise awareness we have to create a medium in which to deliver the message. Some ways we could possibly raise awareness is by creating a website, in which people are informed of the dangers of not having first aid assistance at hand. Another way we could raise awareness is by creating a first aid kit that is informed about when and what to use a certain tool for an emergency. All of these are viable options in a sense that people will still receive the knowledge of first aid. Some challenges that may appear before us, are the people's opinion to respond to this action or if we would be able to get the people's attention in the first place. All of these are factors I have to consider before creating a medium in which to spread the information. What kind of creative medium would grab the audience's attention? How should i present it? These are just some of the question's I have to keep in mind.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Blog #3

Blog #3:

         Since creating a first-aid kit from scratch would be almost impossible with just household items, what else could we do to give them basic knowledge of first aid and supply them with a first aid kit? There are an average of 150,000 people could be saved each year, but the lack of first aid knowledge has killed over several thousands of people. This statistic could've been lowered if even one person from each of the scenarios, knew how to properly act, the person's life may have been saved. By giving these people the knowledge of first aid assistance and a first aid kit, even a normal bystander could save a life. In order to supply people with the knowledge of first aid assistance we could raise awareness of this problem or raise money to supply people in need of first aid assistance. Some ways we could raise awareness is by creating a website, creating posters, or just telling friends and family. All of our efforts may allow someone one day to save a life.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Blog #2

Blog #2:

        In my research, I concluded that creating a complete replica of a first aid kit from common household items, would be near impossible. It would be difficult to create the chemical factors in a first aid kit from common household items. For example, the ointments and drugs we simply can't recreate them. So, I'll have to find a way to create the other components of a first aid kit without the chemical related components. The band-aids we can create from string and cloth since we can use the string to apply pressure to the wound to seal off any further blood loss. Using the cloth we can use it as a gauze and with scissors we could adjust the dimensions of the cloth to fit the wound. All of these are just temporary solutions that will only help the person for a certain length of time. This just goes to show how complicated it it to treat a person in need of first-aid. Although it might be near impossible to recreate a replica, having the the knowledge to help someone with just some tools around the house, could save someone in a dire situation. So, now that I know it would be difficult to create a first-aid kit from scratch at home, how could we find a way to give everyone easy access to first-aid assistance?

Friday, January 15, 2016

Blog #1

Blog #1:

  • My Genius Hour Project is on creating a first aid kit from scratch and raising the awareness of the importance of first-aid
  • Can we create a first aid kit from common household items, if not how can we get people to get the importance of first-aid ?
  • I would want to create a first aid kit using materials I found at home and share the importance of first-aid and raise the importance of first-aid.